We are excited to inform you that our SES-2 network will soon be undergoing upgrades that will enable us to offer the same 20M x 5M burstable service that users have been enjoying on the Galaxy 18 spacecraft for the past two years. If you have been considering an upgrade to our Select Network or higher bandwidth offerings, now is a great time to do it.
If you have our Select (multi-satellite) service:
You should plan to bring your system online between 3/12/2018 and 4/23/2018 to obtain the latest configuration over-the-air. After 4/23/2018, you will need to access the Galaxy 18 satellite to receive the updated configuration.
If you access the SES-2 (87 West) satellite only:
You should plan to bring your system online between 3/12/2018 and 4/23/2018 to obtain the latest configuration over-the-air. When you bring your system online, please contact our Network Operations Center at 888-310-0131 to confirm the settings for your particular site.
If you are not able to bring your system online during the transition period of 3/12/2018 to 4/23/2018, and you do not have access to the Galaxy 18 spacecraft through our Select Network, it will be necessary to manually load a new configuration file on your modem after 4/23/2018 in order to access the IP Access Network.
If you access the Galaxy 18 (123 West) satellite only:
No action is necessary. This upgrade does not affect the Galaxy 18 network.
If you have any questions about this process or are unsure which of the above conditions apply to your site(s), please feel free to contact your account representative or reach out to our Network Operations Center.
As the roll out of this upgrade gets closer, we will reach out to individual customers if any additional steps are required.