Tennessee Public Safety Interoperability Exercise 2019

Tennessee Public Safety Interoperability Exercise in Knoxville, TN with IPA Hummer and Cobham Mobile Antenna on top of vehicle

We will be in Knoxville, Tennessee until Sunday! Join us at the 2019 Tennessee Public Safety Interoperability where we will be demonstrating our FirstNet Ready HARRIER Rapid Communications Terminal and Cobham EXPLORER 8100 Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Antenna. 

The HARRIER incorporates the use of aggregated cellular and satellite bandwidth combined in one portable solution. Both the LTE (FirstNet/traditional) and satellite networks can be aggregated, prioritized and load balanced, maximizing the available throughput. No programming or switching necessary as the system will choose the best path for your voice, data and video needs. The HARRIER includes an onboard dual-band WiFi network allowing for wireless connections to the to the terminal. Additionally, the HARRIER also offers the ability to connect via hard wired PoE ports. 

Cobham 8100 Auto-Aquire Drive Away AntennaDeveloped completely in-house by Cobham SATCOM, the one meter EXPLORER 8100 Auto-Acquire Drive-Away antenna is designed to offer unparalleled performance, ensuring high quality connectivity on any Ku- and Ka-band networks. The unique Dynamic Pointing Correction technology and an advanced carbon fiber reflector make the 1 meter EXPLORER 8100 the most advanced Auto-Acquire Drive-Away Land VSAT antenna available in its class.

Effective communications are paramount for facilitating emergency response and recovery in the wake of a catastrophic event. To be prepared for such an event, the communications community must gather together periodically to practice its tradecraft in a multi-agency and multi-discipline environment.

   The purpose of this exercise is to:

  1. Strengthen relationships between local/state/federal government agencies, non-governmental agencies, and auxiliary communications groups that are involved in emergency communications.
  2. Give Communications Leaders (COML) and Communications Technicians (COMT) an opportunity to demonstrate proficiency with task book items.
  3. Facilitate communications related training and breakouts.
  4. Demonstrate agency communications platform capabilities and increase awareness of communications assets available through mutual aid.
  5. Share assessments of emerging technologies aimed at improving the accuracy and timeliness of emergency communications.

This year’s event will take place August 22-25, 2019.